Why Bulletproof WordPress Hosting?

I’m often asked “What makes Bulletproof WordPress Hosting different?”  There are so many choices out there for WordPress hosting, finding the right provider is daunting to say the least.

I have been operating in the Web Hosting industry for over 14 years.  Primarily managing servers for small hosting companies and developers around the world.  As the popularity of WordPress increased, my experience at designing the proper infrastructure with the proper server security and disaster preparedness increased as well.  I dealt almost daily with compromised WordPress sites, spam problems, defacements and malware injections.  I wanted to create a product offering that took the stress of infrastructure and site management and security off of you, the content creators.  I know what works and what doesn’t and I have taken all these years of managing WordPress servers and created Bulletproof WordPress Hosting.


Performance starts with the infrastructure.  We do not cut any corners where it comes to our infrastructure.  All our servers use RAID1 protected enterprise grade solid state drives.  We use the latest processors and we ALWAYS use bare metal for our servers.  No AWS, no Rackspace Cloud, no public-cloud virtual servers at all, ever!  All servers have dual 1 GBPs public network connections that are routed through independent routers.

Beyond the infrastructure, then next performance tier is the software.  Most of the WordPress performance lore is that Nginx is the fastest option for WordPress, but that’s not true!  We use LiteSpeed web server on all our servers.  Some interesting benchmarks can be found here:

Litespeed vs Apache vs Nginx

If you want to skip to the bottom line (Spoiler alert!) LiteSpeed is 86% faster than Nginx!  Our TTFB is generally half that of more popular providers.

Our other software performance edge comes from Percona.  We do not use the community versions of MySQL, instead we use Percona’s MySQL server.  Percona’s GPL SQL server is fully MySQL compatible, but performs substantially faster than the stock community MySQL server.


When we say managed, we mean it!  The biggest problem we see with WordPress sites is a lack of attention to updates and security patches.  All WordPress sites hosted with us are checked daily for core, theme and plugin updates. Sites are scanned every four hours for malware and should a site actually get defaced, we include site restoration and/or cleanup.

We take data integrity very seriously and therefore we actually have two backup systems in place.  We have chosen cPanel/WHM for control panel functionality and we use that system to run daily, weekly and monthly backups.  Additionally, we use MainWP to create a separate set of wordpress specific backups that are stored remotely, also on a daily, weekly and monthly schedule.

Concierge Level Service

We do NOT have 400+ technical support staff.  We have a small, dedicated, highly capable support staff comprised of WordPress developers, server administrators and security experts to assist you with whatever problems you may be having.  We get to know all our clients personally and we can serve you on a more personal level.

I’m pretty proud of what we have built here and I look forward to bringing you on and taking the stress out of WordPress hosting!